When I was young, I was always wondering why there is the word microscope (μικροσκόπιο, i.e. allows us to observe small things) or the word telescope (τηλεσκόπιο, where τηλε- is another word for far, long, macro, i.e. the device that allows us to observe things far way at a macroscopic scale) but not a word for the middle ground. Although, I found not device with such a name, in Physics exists the mesoscopic scale, which allows for description of phenomena at this intermediate scales between micro and macro, i.e. involving entities larger than molecules but smaller than the full system size.
In Greek language meso (μεσο) means intermediate, mean, average. However, a "mesoscopic" point of view is not a premium of physicists but it can rather be applied in any kind of field, any kind of problem, any aspect of life. It is this point of view that unifies the details of a problem with the overview, when particularly combines the virtues of detailed and the general knowledge. Such kind of thinking allows us to understand what happens locally in the context of the global developments. Moreover, this can be extended in the behavioral and moral fields, where a meso-behavior stands for the golden middle solution and the moderation., which has been exemplified by one the 7 Sages of Ancient Greece, Cleobulus from Rhodes, with the quote: "Μέτρον αριστον" (moderation is excellency).
So, under my mesoscope will be examined and analyze current developments in politics, science, geopolitics, sociology etc. In case you might wonder how all these things are linked, i will remind you that in ancient Greece knowledge was unique and undivided (also in English it has no plural!)!
Don't forget that the english laguage has this:
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήGovernment= from the latin words "govern" means control + "ment" means spirit/brain/thoughts